Gutter Clearing
Our double glazed windows are manufactured from uPVC window profiles giving you a top quality product for your property. Our units are extremely strong and will not warp or rot and require minimum maintenance. We have a large selection of casement windows available to choose from.
Contact us today for a professional affordable quote.

Gutter Clearing
We offer residential, high-level and commercial gutter cleaning services in an honest and transparent manner.
Having clear gutters is vital in making sure they protect your home, don’t overflow and don’t become damaged. Over time, it is almost inevitable that every property will need their gutter clearing from debris and leaves to ensure it fulfils its potential.
Our health and safety trained professionals are fully insured, giving you peace of mind as they carry out their work. Throughout the process, they advise customers of the work required, make recommendations and have an honest approach to ensure people are delighted with the service they provide.
Combining top of the range equipment and highly trained operatives, there is no gutter that can’t be cleared when you contact X.
Arrange a free, no obligation quote or get in contact where one of our friendly advisors can recommend the best way to proceed.

No window would be complete without furniture and we have chosen what we would use in our own homes, with style and durability coming first.
From traditional Monkeytail window jambs or contemporary chrome handles – the choice is entirely yours.

Gold Handle

Chrome Handle

Plastic Handle

Fitch Sash Fastener

Sash Window Stop

Chrome Furniture